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420 EUR to 2.500 EUR

Listings in 2 Bedroom

Bajcsy Zs. str. 2-bedroom
1.100 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Bacsó B. str. 2-bedroom
900 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Margit körút 2-bedrooms
1.090 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Pannónia str. 2-bedrooms balcony
1.050 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Viola str. 2-bedrooms terrace
990 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Hunyadi J. str. 2-bedroom panorama terrace
1.590 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Zichy J. str. 2-bedrooms flat
1.190 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Nyár str. 2-bedroom
1.250 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Forint str. 2-bedroom balcony
850 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Zsolt str. 2-bedrooms balcony/garage
1.400 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Lónyay str. 2-bedrooms design apartment
1.290 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Szondi str. 2-bedrooms
1.190 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Múzeum blv. 2-bedrooms
1.150 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Nánási str. 2-bedrooms terrace/pool
990 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Budai Nagy A. str. 2-bedroom balcony
960 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Rákosfalva str. 2-bedrooms
750 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Bethlen Gábor sqr. 2-bedrooms
1.090 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Dob str. 2-bedrooms
1.190 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Hegedű str. 2-bedrooms
1.050 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Erzsébet boulvard 2-bedrooms luxury
1.490 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Kresz Géza str. 2-bedrooms balcony
890 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Városház str. 2-bedrooms
1.090 EUR + UTILITIES /month
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